
Keynote sessions

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ASEAN Carbon Neutrality Guidelines for Agriculture

Dr. Imelda Bacudo

COP28 Senior Advisor

Climate, Food, and Agriculture and Land Use Expert; Co-Chair Global Alliance on Climate Smart Agriculture (GACSA)


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Carbon farming: from research to implementation through international cooperation(Online)

Dr. Jean-François Soussana

Research Director & Vice-President

International policy and executive board member at the French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and the Environment (INRAE)


Session 1: Innovative Low-Carbon Practices

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Research Supporting Strategies for Reduced Carbon Footprint in US Agricultural Production Systems

Dr. Gregory McCarty

Research Soil Scientist

United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service (USDA-ARS)


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Overview of Agricultural Technologies for Carbon Credits: Challenges and Potential

Mr. Russ Martin Cullinane

Independent Consultant

Carbon Markets and Agriculture, Bali & Technology Strategies, Agriculture, South Pole, Indonesia


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Reducing greenhouse gas emissions from livestock production systems

Dr. David Pacheco

Principal Science Advisor

New Zealand Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Research Centre (NZAGRC), Greenlands Research Center

New Zealand

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The Impact of Shifting from Animal to Plant Protein on Carbon Offsetting

Mr. Henk Schouten


Schouten Europe b.v.

The Netherlands

Session 2: Circular and Greener Practices in the Agrifood Sector

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Circular and greener practices in livestock waste management

Dr. Matias Vanotti

Research Soil Scientist

United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service (USDA-ARS)


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Strategies and actions to incentivize emission reductions and carbon offset within sustainable agrifood system

Dr. Min-Jian Yuan

Associate professor

Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology


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Behavioral Changes in Farmers and Consumers Towards a Greener Agri-food System

Dr. Hiroki SASAKI


Policy Research Institute, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries


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Reduction of Greenhouse Gases from dairy & Beef cattle by using amino acids

Mr. Shohei Takeuchi

General Manager

Strategy Execution Group, Customized Feed Solution Dept. Bio & Fine Chemicals Division Ajinomoto Co., Inc.


Session 3: Bridging Data Gaps for Sustainable Agrifood Systems

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A Digital Twin to Improve the Sustainability of Arable and Dairy Farming

Dr. Frits van Evert

Senior Researcher in precision agriculture

Wageningen University & Research

The Netherlands

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Agricultural Carbon Emission and Agrifood Sustainability: Scale-Up of Highly Variable Spatial Data

Dr. Do-Kyoung Lee


University of Illinois (UIUC)


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Greenhouse gas emissions in food systems: global drivers and regional challenges

Dr. Nicola Cerutti


Oasis Loss Modelling Framework, London


Session 4: Policy Frameworks and Carbon Offsetting Mechanisms in Agrifood Systems

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An Integrated Mechanism to Boost Agricultural Multiple Functions and its Role in Carbon Offsetting

Dr. Lao-Dar Juang


Department of Resources Sustainability, Ministry of Agriculture


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TSMC’s Net Zero Transition Key Actions

Ms. Hsin-Hsu Huang

Technical Manager

Green Manufacturing Department, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, Ltd. (TSMC)


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Policy Framework and Carbon Offsetting Mechanisms in Agrifood Systems

Mr. Chusak Chuenprayoth

Vice Chairman

the Thai Chamber of Commerce


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Panelist 4-1-1

Dr. Cheng-Hsien Lin

Team Leader & Assistant Professor

International College of Innovation and Industry Liaison, National Chung Hsing University


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Panelist 4-2-1

Mr. Davi Chen


AgriG8 Singapore startup Financing


Poster Session (Onsite)

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Technology Catalog Contributing to Production Potential and Sustainability in the Asia-Monsoon Region

Dr. Shintaro Kobayashi

Senior Researcher

Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences


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Low Emission Rice Production System: A Decarbonization Strategy Towards Net Zero

Dr. Nurul Ain Binti Abu Bakar

Senior Research Officer

Climate Change Program, Agrobiodiversity and Environment Research Center, Malaysian Agricultural Research & Development Institute (MARDI)


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Soil Health Improvement through Biodegradable Waste Management Contributing to GHG Emission Reduction

Dr. Denise Solano

Assistant Director

Department of Agriculture – Bureau of Soils and Water Management


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Assessing Climate Resilient Practices in Small Scale Vegetable Production in Leyte, Philippines (Online)

Prof. Canesio D. Predo


Institute of Renewable Natural Resources, University of the Philippines Los Baños


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Assessment of carbon footprint in rice production applying low emission farming-technologies & practices in the Mekong River Delta, VietNam

Dr. Bui Thi Phuong Loan

Head of Department modeling and database

Institute for Agricultural Environment (IAE) VAAS, Vietnam


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ASEC-Affordable and Sustainable Energy Crops: Maximizing agricultural Carbon Sink

Mr. Nictor Namoi


University of Iillinois Urbana-Champaign, USA


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The Impact of Nitrogen Form and Straw Removal on Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Paddy Fields

Dr. Yu-Wen Lin


Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute, Ministry of Agriculture


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Evaluate the Nutrient Digestion, Lactating Performance, and Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Potential in Different Dietary Proteins in Dairy Cattle

Mr. Jing-You Lai

Assistant Researcher

Taiwan Livestock Research Institute, Ministry of Agriculture


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Technology for Recycling and Reusing Wastewater from Goose Farming and the Spent Mushroom Compost of Napiergrass Taishigrass No. 3

Ms. Ting-Wen Chuang

Assistant Researcher

Northern Region Branch, Taiwan Livestock Research Institute, Ministry of Agriculture


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The First Carbon Footprint Label of Strawberry in Taiwan

Dr. Mei-Chun Lu

Researcher and Division Chief

Miaoli District Agricultural Research and Extension Station, Ministry of Agriculture


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Measurements of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Rice for Methane Reduction in Central Taiwan

Mr. Chong-Yi Liao

Assistant Researcher

Taichung District Agricultural Research and Extension Station, Ministry of Agriculture


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Evaluation of Azolla Replacing Sesbania as Green Manure for Reducing Carbon Emissions in the Fallow Season in Taiwan Yilan Area

Ms. Hsiu-Yen Chang

Assistant Researcher

Hualien District Agricultural Research and Extension Station, Ministry of Agriculture


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Study on Laying Hen Feed Formulated from Agricultural and Fishery Byproducts

Mr. Li-Feng Ni

Assistant Researcher

Hualien District Agricultural Research and Extension Station, Ministry of Agriculture


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Effects of Pomelo Orchard Cover Crop Management and Soil Types on Accumulation of Soil Organic Matter

Mr. Tzu-Cheng Chien

Assistant Researcher

Hualien District Agricultural Research and Extension Station, Ministry of Agriculture


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Investigation of Nitrous Oxide Emission Factors in Tea Plantations in Northern Taiwan

Mr. Han-Shiuan Chin

Assistant Researcher

Tea and Beverage Research Station, Ministry of Agriculture


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