SIS, biofuel crop, Philippine
A new approach to Soil Information System (SIS) for natural resources management
WS - Workshop
Asia (South and Southeast)
Republic Act No. 9367 known as the Biofuels Act of 2006 was enacted mandating the Department of Agriculture to ensure sufficiency of feedstock supply. A major consideration is the food versus fuel debate or the risk of diverting food crop areas to biofuels to the detriment of national food security. Since fuel is the foundation of modern economy, the food versus fuel consideration is exacerbated by increasing crude oil costs at the global scene crippling the economy of non-major-oil producing nations like the Philippines. Under Goal 1 of the Medium Term Philippine Development Plan (MTPDP) 2004-2010, the economic blueprint envisions the identification of 2 million hectares of idle lands for agribusiness development. Part of these otherwise idle lands could be utilized for biofuel production. Using ARC-GIS, this study was conducted to assess the suitability to biofuel crops (both bioethanol and biodiesel) of the 2 million hectares of idle lands identified under Goal 1 at regional level. Additional ratings for bioethanol only and for biodiesel only were done. A total of 93 maps were produced. For this paper, three (3) Philippine maps are presented – suitability to biofuel crops, bioethanol crops, and biodiesel crops.