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Integrated management of citrus huanglongbing disease in southern Vietnam


Citrus Huanglongbin, citrus nursery, Guava-intercropping, integrated management , psylla


Management of citrus greening for the rehabilitation of the citrus industry in Asia


WS - Workshop




Asia (South and Southeast)



Citrus Huanglongbin has been a major constrain in citrus development of Southern Viet Nam for more than 14 years. At present, the Integrated Management of Citrus Huanglongbin in Southern Viet Nam consists of some focal techniques such as: producing and growing certified healthy seedlings, windbreak, chemical control of Diaphorina citri, citrus IPM, and particularly 131 ha was applied the technology of vector repellence by Guava- intercropped with citrus. Many barriers of citrus HLB management remained revealing in the bigger market of infected seedlings as compared with certified free- disease seedlings, supply chains of free- diseased planting materials and its management is still poor, technology transferred in citrus enhancement was not so successful. It is expected from the lessons learnt, new research and extension work concerned to be considered for a precise approach. Both “policy solution” as well as “scientific and technology solution” involved with all partners in the production chain of citrus are the same role of importance to lead to the adoption of nurserymen and citrus growers for success.

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